Accounting Concepts & FRS Reports

>> Friday, October 30, 2009

Accounting Concepts & FRS Reports

Following are the FRS reports that are received monthly for each account.
Report of Transactions
(General Ledger)
Use account controls 1xxx (Assets), 2xxx (Liabilities) and 3xxx (Fund Balance) to verify that the Accounting Equation is in balance.

You will also find details on Fund Additions (4xxx) and Fund Deductions (5xxx) and can review subsidiary ledger summaries (9xxx).

Account Statement
(Subsidiary Ledger)
Summarizes by object code an account's budget, actual revenues and expenses and encumbrances.

Some accounts (mainly auxiliary) will have revenues and expenses. A positive number means that revenues exceeded expenses. If the number is negative, expenses exceeded revenues. Notice that I used positive and negative and not debit and credit. Debits and credits do not apply when reading this report.

Report of Transactions
(Subsidiary Ledger)
Details budget, revenue, expense and encumbrance transactions for the current month


Debits & Credits (3)

>> Tuesday, October 27, 2009

We also need to review how debits and credits affect the Fund Balance components. Remember that:

Ending Fund Balance = Beginning Fund Balance + Revenues + Fund Additions - Expenses - Fund Deductions.

Below is a chart indicating the normal balance or how each component of fund balance is increased:

Fund Balance
Normal Balance
Increased by
(Subsidiary Ledger) (General Ledger)
Debits (DR) Expenses Fund Deductions
Credits (CR) Revenues Beginning Fund Balance
Fund Additions

Notice that the normal balance for Revenue and Fund Additions which increase Fund Balance is credit and Expenses and Fund Deductions which decrease Fund Balance is debit. Why is this significant?

Because, Fund Balance is increased with credits and decreased with debits.


Debits & Credits (2)

>> Friday, October 23, 2009

The following chart indicates the normal balance or how each part of the equation is increased.

Normal Balance
Increased by

Accounting Equation
(General Ledger)
Debits (DR)

Credits (CR)

Fund Balance

Now that we know what the normal balances are, let's take another look at the accounting equation.

    Assets - Liabilities = Fund Balance

restated, placing debits on side and credits on the other :

    Assets (DR) = Liabilities (CR) + Fund Balance (CR)

    NOTE: Debits (DR) = Credits (CR)


>> Thursday, October 15, 2009

The following chart indicates the normal balance or how each part of the equation is increased.

Normal Balance
Increased by Accounting Equation
(General Ledger)
Debits (DR) Assets
Credits (CR) Liabilities
Fund Balance

Now that we know what the normal balances are, let's take another look at the accounting equation.

Assets - Liabilities = Fund Balance

restated, placing debits on side and credits on the other :

Assets (DR) = Liabilities (CR) + Fund Balance (CR)

NOTE: Debits (DR) = Credits (CR)


Debits & Credits

>> Saturday, October 10, 2009

The second equation that comes into play when talking about accounting is:

Debits (DR) = Credits (CR)

FRS is a double entry accounting system, meaning that for every debit transaction there is an offsetting credit transaction.

To better understand the monthly FRS reports, you will need to know what the normal balance is or how a part of the accounting equation is increased. Knowing the normal balances will also help you to identify possible problems in your accounts.

NOTE: Debit transactions and debit balances are normally shown without a symbol and credit balances are shown with a "-" symbol. "-" does not mean negative, it means credit. For example, Cash with a debit balance of $1,000, would be shown as $1,000. Cash with a credit balance of $1,000 would be shown as $1,000-.


Accounting Concepts

>> Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Accounting Equation

The following equation is the cornerstone of accounting.
In the next couple of slides we'll define each part of this equation.

Assets - Liabilities = Fund Balance


Assets = Liabilities + Fund Balance

The Accounting Equation-Assets

Accounts Receivable

Accounts Payable
Deferred Revenue

Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance
Fund Additions
Fund Deductions

Assets Items owned by the University, such as, cash, accounts receivables, inventory, equipment, stocks, bonds, etc.
Accounts Receivable Money owed to the University for goods or services that have been provided by the University.

Example: The Student Union caters an event before payment is received. The money owed to the Student Union is an Accounts Receivable.

Inventory Equipment owned by the University or goods available for resale.

Example 1:You purchase a computer for your department. The computer is capitalized (coded with a capital object code) and becomes part of the University's inventory.

Example 2:The Bookstore buys books to sell. The books are inventory purchased for resale.

The Accounting Equation-Liabilities

Accounts Receivable

Accounts Payable
Deferred Revenue

Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance
Fund Additions
Fund Deductions

Liabilities Money or services owed to someone who has provided the University a good or service.

Examples of liabilities at the University are Accounts Payable and Deferred Revenue.

Accounts Payable Money owed to someone who has provided the University with a good or service.

Example: Your department buys a computer from Gateway. Gateway will ship the computer to your department and send an invoice to Accounts Payable (the department in FSO who processes invoices and cuts checks). An invoice is a request for payment, i.e. a liability, an Accounts Payable.

Deferred Revenue Services owed for monies received.

Example: Someone gives you $1,000 to dig a ditch, you agree and take the money. You now owe that person a ditch, i.e., you haven't earned the $1,000. Revenue that hasn't been earned yet is called Deferred Revenue and because you owe someone something, in this case, a ditch, deferred revenue is a liability. When you dig the ditch, you will have earned the revenue and can record the $1,000 as revenue.

The Accounting Equation-Fund Balance (Net Worth)

Accounts Receivable

Accounts Payable
Deferred Revenue

Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance
Fund Additions
Fund Deductions
Fund Balance Also known as Net Worth, Retained Earnings or Net Assets, is the difference between what you own (Assets) and what you owe (Liabilities).

In other words, if you took everything that you own and turned it to cash and paid off all your debts (liabilities) whatever you had leftover would be your net worth, fund balance or net assets.

Fund Balance at the University is increased and decreased by Revenues, Expenses, Fund Additions and Fund Deductions.

Revenues and Fund Additions increase Fund Balance.

Expenses and Fund Deductions decrease Fund Balance.

Intuitively this should make sense. If you make or get money (increase revenue or fund additions), you are worth more. If you spend or lose money (increase expenses or fund deductions), you are worth less.

Ending Fund Balance EQUALS
Beginning Fund Balance(GL)

PLUS Revenues (SL)

LESS Expenses (SL)

PLUS Fund Additions (GL)

LESS Fund Deductions (GL)

Revenues Money earned for goods or services provided. And at the University unearned money, such as, unrestricted gifts, are also recorded as revenue.

Expenses Money spent for things that benefit or help the university operate, for example, salaries, wages, E.R.E., operational supplies, travel, capital and student support.

Fund Additions Money received by the University that is not earned, for example, grants and contract money and restricted gifts.

Fund Deductions Money paid by the University that is not considered an expense. For example, excess grant money or deposits held for another entity.


What Accountants do....

>> Saturday, October 3, 2009

Many people incorrectly believe that accountants' work primarily consists of bookkeeping. Most professional accountants do little or no bookkeeping. Accountants are involved in the preparation of financial statements, and the interpretation of financial information, rather than day-to-day recording of routine transactions. This work includes making sure the financial statements comply with GAAP, provide adequate disclosure of essential financial information, and are free from material errors and misstatements.

Forms of Business Organizations
Sole Proprietor - One owner
Partnership - 2 or more owners
LLC - 1 or more owners (as allowed by state law)
Corporation - unlimited number of owners (stockholders)

The business entity is the legal form the owners have chosen, depending on their particular needs. The legal form will determine how the company will file tax returns and the owner's individual exposure to legal liability for lawsuits brought against the company.

Corporations and LLCs both provide a layer of legal protection for the owners. Sole Proprietors and General Partners are exposed to unlimited legal liability. This is why most business are organized as corporations. The LLC form has been available in the US for about a decade, but has become a very popular business form. The number of LLCs is growing rapidly, but the predominant business form is still the corporation.

The Balance Sheet presentation and accounts used will vary depending on the way the company is organized. Sole Proprietorships use the Owner's Equity account. Corporations have accounts for stock and retained earnings. Partnerships have accounts for Partner's Capital, contributions and distributions. LLCs may be organized like a corporation or partnership, and will use the appropriate set of accounts depending on how the company is set up.


A Short History of Accounting

>> Friday, October 2, 2009

Accounting was born before writing or numbers existed, some 10,000 years ago, in the area known as Mesopotamia, later Persia, and today the countries of Iran and Iraq. This area contains the Tigris Euphrates river valley, a large fertile area 10,000 years ago with a large thriving population and active trading between towns and cities up and down the two rivers.

Writing and numbers would be not be invented for about another 5,000 years. And what happens next will directly lead to the invention of both writing and number systems.

At that time, merchants faced many of the same problems businesses face today. They had to ship their merchandise up and down the rivers, and that meant trusting a boatman with their goods. Unfortunately, not all boatmen were honest, and disagreements often arose about how much was shipped versus what was received at the other end.

It is hard for us today to imagine a world without writing and numbers. Try to imagine yourself in their position.... what would you do?

To deal with the problem, merchants came up with an ingenious plan. They made small clay tokens, in various shapes and with various markings, to indicate different products. One would mean a basket of grain, another would mean a pot of oil, etc. They had over 200 such tokens to indicate a large variety of common goods, including food, leather, clothing, utensils, tools, jewelry, etc.

Bollae and tokens circa 3300 BC

Before shipping their goods, a merchant would take one token for each item in the shipment, and encase the tokens in a ball of clay, called a "bollae" (pronounced "bowl-eye") - meaning ball. The ball would be dried in the sun, given to the boatman, and then broken by the buyer on the other end of the transaction. The buyer would match the tokens with the items in the shipment, to verify that everything sent was accounted for.

This is the function of protection of assets, and is a major function of all modern accounting systems. It was important 10,000 years ago and is just as important now. Today we see merchants doing the same thing as their counterparts 10 millennia ago - today they get a bill of lading - a listing of the merchandise entrusted to a shipper.

The system of using bollae continued for almost 5,000 years, all before the invention of writing or numbers. One day, probably by accident, a wet clay bollae was rolled over a loose token, laying on the ground. The impression of the token was left in the wet clay. Merchants began pressing the tokens on the outside of the bollae, in addition to putting the tokens inside the ball.

Eventually they would press tokens into a flat piece of clay, leaving an impression for each item. Remember, they didn't have numbers yet, so they would press a token into the clay for each individual item. Probably by accident one day the right token couldn't be found, and someone used a stick or other object to make the right marks in the soft clay tablet. And writing was born...

New symbols were soon created representing multiple items, and suddenly both writing and number systems were invented. The last phase of this remarkable process took about 500 years, but once writing was invented, it caught on like wildfire, and was the most popular thing anyone had ever seen.

People were so much in love with writing they did it every chance they could. We have a huge amount of archaeological evidence to support this notion. Thousands of small clay tablets still survive today.

A common example: a worker sent his boss a note saying he would be late for work that day because he had chores to do. He would hire a scribe to write the tablet (only a few people could read or write), and hire a child to carry the note to his boss. They sent notes like we use the phone today, and they loved it. They wrote for the sheer joy of it - the ability to communicate at a distance.

Written accounting records are some of the oldest writings that have survived until today, and they date back to circa 3300-3200 BC. These early records were simple single-entry listings of wages paid, temple assets, taxes and tributes to the king or Pharaoh. This simple system was used until the mid-1400s, and a period known as the Renaissance.

Picture in the Tomb of Chnemhotep, pharaoh of Egypt circa 1950 BC. The ancient Egyptian scribe (seated on the left) prepared his accounts on papyrus with a calamus. The accompanying text reads "Minute care is not only taken in the case of large amounts, but even the smallest quantities of corn or dates are conscientiously entered." In ancient Egypt, the accountants were literally bean-counters. They also counted rice, beer, and everything else. Ancient Egyptians were paid in "kind" - they had not invented money yet so workers were paid with food, beer, clothing, etc. (Everyone drank beer back then, because it was more sanitary than the water. The alcohol content was very low, because they used a short brewing process. )

It is interesting to note that the Mediterranean and European nations had no concept of the number zero until the middle ages. They learned the concept of zero from Middle Eastern mathematicians, who also knew about the movements of the stars and planets, and had figured out the earth was round, and revolved around the sun in an orbit, etc. It took the Europeans another 500 years to figure that out, largely because those concepts were contrary to views held by the Roman Catholic church at the time. It's also hard to do math using Roman numerals, so their math skills were limited until they started using Arabic numbers.
c. 8500 BC
c. 3500 BC
c. 3000 BC
c. Late 1400s
merchants begin to use bollae and tokens to protect shipments scribing marks onto wet clay replaces use of bollae & tokens writing & number systems fully developed & in use Luca Pacioli documents double entry accounting
By the time Christopher Columbus was trying to sail west, a new form of accounting was in use by merchants in Venice . Luca Pacioli (pot-chee-O-lee) set down in writing for the first time a description of the double-entry system of accounting, which we still use today in much the same form. Alhough he didn't actually invent the system he is called "the father of accounting" for his contributions and for documenting the system in his fifth book on mathematics Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita (Everything About Arithmetic, Geometry and Proportion).

Written as a digest and guide to existing mathematical knowledge, bookkeeping was only one of five topics covered. The Summa's 36 short chapters on bookkeeping, entitled De Computis et Scripturis (Of Reckonings and Writings) were added "in order that the subjects of the most gracious Duke of Urbino may have complete instructions in the conduct of business," and to "give the trader without delay information as to his assets and liabilities" (All quotes from the translation by J.B. Geijsbeek, Ancient Double Entry Bookkeeping: Lucas Pacioli's Treatise, 1914)..

Luca Pacioli was a remarkable man. He was one of the best mathematicians of his time, and was a close friend of Leonardo DaVinci. They collaborated on many projects. Pacioli helped DaVinci lay out his painting, The Last Supper, with mathematical precision. And Leonardo illustrated Luca's books on mathematics and accounting. History is full of instances of collaboration between these two great thinkers and Renaissance men.

Modern accounting follows the same principles set down by Luca Pacioli over 500 years ago. However, today it is a highly organized profession, with a complex set of rules for the fair disclosure and presentation of information in financial statements. Every day trillions of dollars in transactions are recorded by business, government and financial institutions world-wide. They all follow the same general set of rules.

In the United States, we follow Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) as specified by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB). We use the US Dollar for all financial statements and transactions. Other countries use similar accounting rules as the US, but there are differences from country to country. If you had a business in France, you would use the French equivalent to our GAAP.

GAAP developed over 500 years from the basic concepts Luca Pacioli set forth in the 1400s. There is a great deal of similarity in accounting practices around the world because they all have a common origin.

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